Long Time No See

La Nina Summer weather hitting our rivers and streams has caused the tailrace rivers to be lower than usual as the regular rain events means irrigation water has not been required, however some power generating is happening on the Swampy in NSW.     It's unusual at this time not to be fishing the smaller streams as most  are high flow and have some colour.   La Nina hard at work.  The good news is the best fishing is now getting underway.    We have seen a lot of small grasshoppers along the banks and the cicadas are also striking their cords.   The Goulburns low flow over the last few months has made for great hatches much to the fishes delight and fly fishers have also had a great time.   The river levels are now rising due to irrigation requirements.    Summer fishing 2022 is looking good and helps make up for the NZ trips we can't do.   Who am I kidding.


  • I wish you and Nella a very Happy Christmas and a Tight Lines New Year. I will probably try again on the Goulburn before Christmas. The Hot Creek caddis (20) did the job this week.

    Norman Roy
  • Help make up for NZ? Sorry Dave, you aren’t kidding me 😩😩😩

    Best wishes to you and Nella and have a great Xmas and New Year. In Australia. 😣

    Simon Black

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