High Banks and no Hoppers
On our recent trip to New Zealand to the Southland region we encountered trout feeding along high banks . Just like fishing at home except there ...
Mirror Carp
Love them or hate them they will eat a dry fly and pull like a mule train.
Camo invited me to Lake Eildon for a couple of days for a bit of Cod f...
Tungsten Rare Metal
Tungsten is mined round the world. The biggest producer being China where not a lot of coal is produced but plenty of other rare earth minerals...
Season 2024-2025 September
Our first drift for the season started with a morning of 3.5c It could only get better Met up with Chad and put the drift boat in with a cold...
Salmon Fly Fishing British Columbia
Part 4: Looking back on this trip and seeing the smile on Nella's face and the size of the Chum Salmon Gill is holding for her perhaps another trip...
Salmon Fly Fishing British Columbia Canada
Part 3 : The Skeena River and the Fish. As I said the river is a monster and to get around a jet boat or jet raft is the best option to reach ...
Salmon Fly Fishing British Columbia Canada
Part 2: Gear and the Guide. In preparation for the next days fishing Gill started with checking out our fishing gear. Waders good, wading boots...
Salmon Fly Fishing British Columbia Canada
Part 1: Our first glimpse of the beautiful city of Vancouver was a welcoming and spectacular sight after our Air New Zealand flight across th...
Winter lake fishing in Victoria
For those who don't fly fish lakes and only fish rivers you can well be missing out. Victoria's highland lakes are only an hour and a bit north wes...
Weipa 2024
The trip this year with Chad and Zoran did not disappoint with plenty of nice size fish. Queen fish and Tuna the target fish and few Blues. Overa...
Is Big Better?
Well is It? I would say no but I guess its irrelevant if it catches a trout. How the subject came up, I was counting White Clousers for an up comi...
Black cicada
It seems like a life time ago when we developed this little gem for The Fly Shop and it has been the down fall of many a fish this Summer of 2024. ...
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