Mirror Carp

Love them or hate them they will eat a dry fly and pull like a mule train.  

Camo invited me to Lake Eildon for a couple of days for a bit of Cod fishing in November just before Nella and I head to the South Island for what's becoming an annual trip.

Sorry guys The Fly Shop is closed from November 19th to the 6th of December.

On arriving Camo informs me you can catch rising carp on a dry fly.  As you know I have fished for Trout all my adult life but Carp are a mystery to me.

The boat is fuelled up and off we go Cod fishing.   Camo catches a few on spinner bait and I catch zip on flys.    Chatting away as we fish the wind drops and the lake mirrors up.   Camo said this will get the Carp rising and sure enough they do lots of them.   I grab the 6 weight with 8Ib tippet and the special fly and cast to the nearest fish and it eats it with no hesitation.   The other carp caught all ate the same fly.

The special fly a Bushy's Emerger Rust size #10

Dave's Tip 10lb tippet.


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