The Matarua River Bulk Dry Fly Pack has been carefully selected and contains quality hand tied, durable and uniform flies in a complimentary box.
Includes nine patterns in quantities of 6
- Bushys Emerger Grey #16
- Bushys Emerger Grey #18
- Bushys Emerger Rust #16
- Bushys Emerger Rust #18
- Rusty Tailrace Dun #16
- Rusty Tailrace Dun #18
- Rusty Tailrace Dun #20
- Rusty Spent Spinner CDC #18
- Rusty Spent Spinner No Hackle #18
Each Southland river is unique . The reason for the number of patterns and varying quantities is not knowing if you are hard core or casual. Two or three packs you are pretty casual, sixes or more you are serious.
All the trout on the South Island fight hard and get down and dirty very quickly. Bust offs occur on a regular bases - 'are you getting excited? you should be'.
The Mataura is a long river and famed for its hatches. Breaking it down into three - upper, middle and lower-helps. The upper being near Athol, middle at Cattle Flats and the lower near Gore.
Lets start with the upper. Gin clear comes to mind. Well the upper section is double distilled gin and holds big fish. Pools may hold a dozen fish, however, willow lined and deep under banks gives these powerful fish places to go. They are easily spooked with the wrong fly.
The middle section pools are much bigger and in general the fish smaller. The area round Gore has even more numbers of fish.
- Best Practice Tip: Don't have bust offs. Guides war cry "let it run".