The Ovens River Autumn selection has been carefully selected and contains quality hand tied, durable and uniform flies.
Includes ten patterns in quantities of 2
- TBG Pheasant Tail Flashback #18
- TBR Copper John Red Camo #18
- Blue Wing Olive Hi Vis #20
- Sparkle Midge Olive #20
- Bubble Back Caddis Brown #18
- Elk Hair Caddis Black #18
- USA Cicada Black #12
- Yellow Sally #20
- Bushys Emerger Grey #18
- Bushys Emerger Grey #14
The Ovens river is snow fed. The headwaters are small pools and riffles while the middle reaches have long glide pools and short riffles. Fishes best in spring and summer.
To make a grand statement, we Aussie fly fishers are not the best with little flies. If you have been fortunate to visit Montana and Idaho and seen the outfitter stores fly shops and how many bins are allocated to small flies #18 - #26.
Its quite amazing the huge range of Autumn flies with the Blue Wing Olive the standout fly. This fly is the standout here along with the Black Caddis. All aquatic insects are small so lets stop complaining that you can't see to tie the fly on, or the tippets too thick to thread through the hook.
- Best Practice Tip: Rod tip low a few cm off the water on the retrieve.